Monday, March 11, 2019

Another Brick in Nepal

Hi everyone

Just waking up, yesterdays running of the 10km trail race in Sooke was rather amazing. Not only was the start/finish line ag the spot of Melissa's celebration of life, they gave silk scarves for medals as we crossed the finish line. To make it a even more extra special day my son Tucker was there as my support.  He was also offered a job by the UAV drone film crew for editing, pretty exciting.

 Tree pose, having fun on the beach!
The race itself was alot more than I expected as far as steep terrains and poor choices in diet and caffeine the night before led to a fairly miserable time with dry mouth and a running nose. The leftovers of the radiation and chemo, I've a damaged spit gland system so I've got to be careful. Irregardless I finished and had a great day!
My son Tucker at the start finish line. 

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