Friday, March 29, 2019

Run Vancouver Island

Running right out my front door on some amazing trails, quad, single track and old logging roads.  I can be at the Kinsol Trestle in 2kms and can go from there, the trails zig zag and circle through some amazing forest.

Will hug the occasional tree  not a tree hugger tho

Monday, March 25, 2019

Not sure where or how to go, I ran my fastest recorded 5:07, just need to stack more of them up, pretty cool. Trying to switch to a more vegan diet is not easy but I'm gona try, not sure how extreme, I just want to be healthy and stay cancer free. I am trying to sort out a bit of a career change or at least change the way I am doing the automotives, grease, oil and fumes have lost all appeal. Literally not a tree hugger but il hug a tree.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

2919 Spring Garden on the deck

To my surprize my Red Russian garlic has sprouted as well as the chives and Strawberries. I'm going to try and keep the deck garden smaller this year as I am away lots, or at least Il try. Hopefully Il be spending alot of time on the trails and in the forest. My goal right now is to seek some part time employment that will allow me to travel back and forth to Alberta. I may consider full time if it's the right job. I'm struggling with this a bit praying for direction.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Front yard run

It's really good being home for what it is  I do look forward to some change tho, so today I ran on to the trails just out n front door, it was surprisingly amazing, I do miss the Rockies but for now I'm enjoying what I got, a great place to live and pretty good health. The key eat right keep moving, no matter what.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

To those who support others

For me supporting someone else can come in many forms, but the very best I think is to let someone know that they are doing good, especially if they are trying to accomplish a goal, or to better themselves. Maybe a simple cheery comment, or a nudge, or even a story as to how I did something related. I know the people who support help me in more ways than they know show up randomly or are always right there when I need them. In return I like to show some gratitude, and that's especially true when I thank someone for doing or saying something that changes the direction of my life. Maybe I just like talking but it's a great way to start a conversation and it ussually makes for a smile.
So for everyone that has ever helped another, Il say thank you, for those who helped me I hope to pay it forward with a thanks.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Quick trip to Alberta, family first!

We knew it was coming as my Grandmother had quit eating and taking her meds, her life full and nothing left undone she felt it time to leave. The service was yesterday and was quite amazing, as was she.

I've been working on my Cancer story which can be found under the pages section in it's All here on the main page.

While I was here I was given a set of Icebugs to test out fir a couple days, the amazing people at Spry did not want me getting board, Il try to add a equipment page later, the are quite intresting and I managed about 25kms
Crowsnest Mountian and a beautiful day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

It so much fun being a parent, being apart of some one's life, watching them grow to adults, making decisions ,watching them create and chase dreams. It makes me feel young again and the best part is being able to offer health thought provoking ideas and insights, whether they get used or not it doesn't matter, just being apart of is what counts. Quality time, and another great visit and weekend passed by.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Another Brick in Nepal

Hi everyone

Just waking up, yesterdays running of the 10km trail race in Sooke was rather amazing. Not only was the start/finish line ag the spot of Melissa's celebration of life, they gave silk scarves for medals as we crossed the finish line. To make it a even more extra special day my son Tucker was there as my support.  He was also offered a job by the UAV drone film crew for editing, pretty exciting.

 Tree pose, having fun on the beach!
The race itself was alot more than I expected as far as steep terrains and poor choices in diet and caffeine the night before led to a fairly miserable time with dry mouth and a running nose. The leftovers of the radiation and chemo, I've a damaged spit gland system so I've got to be careful. Irregardless I finished and had a great day!
My son Tucker at the start finish line. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I am just learning this so bare with me, I just created one page and well  I got to spend a bit of time figuring this all out.