Monday, April 15, 2019

Island Series Race 1, Royal Roads

Definitely a intresting 10k, it really wasnt that difficult however I went to fast out of the gate and had problems late in the race, Il sort this out as I go along. Still learning and definitely lots of room for my trials. 

The highlights of the race, my first 5kms were all sub 5 minutes and 2 were sub 4 minute, and they were back to back, but being g off the line may have been a bit of a cause for later problems.

The later problems came at the last hills where I ran outa zoom and also got the dry mouth heaves briefly but they really slow me down. I am learning from this and it maybe a good way to set my pace till I can formulate a remedy

One cool note was the two gals I met in the food line who were chatting about running pregnant the year before Kaitlyn at 5 months and Hillary at 7, to me that was a amazing story. It turns out Hillary was my speech pathologist at the cancer clinic who's appointment I did in fact miss twice. Definitely a strange place to meet and a stranger place to discuss pregnancy and running, such a unique experience and just another part of the adventure.

I was a little hard on myself mentally for not doing well enough, I've come tho the conclusion I have no right for being so as every day is full of blessing and 5 sub 5kms with 2 of them sub 4s is pretty dam cool. I dont know why my new Garmin only recorded 5 but it recorded the most important 5.

Next race the Cobblehill 20k,

it should be a beauty!

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